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11 Tiny Design Adjustments That Un-Fuglify Your Funnel with KEA

Sep 16, 2024 by Keabuilder

Creating an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly funnel is essential for converting visitors into customers. Small design tweaks can make a significant difference in how your funnel performs. With KEA, a versatile website and funnel builder, you have the tools to enhance your funnel's visual appeal and functionality. In this blog post, we'll explore 11 tiny design adjustments that can un-fuglify your funnel and elevate its performance with KEA.

1. Simplify Your Color Palette

A cluttered color palette can be distracting. Stick to a limited color scheme that aligns with your brand for a more cohesive and pleasing design.

2. Contrast Your Call-to-Action Buttons

Make your call-to-action (CTA) buttons stand out by using contrasting colors. This draws the eye and encourages action.

3. Optimize Typography

Choose easy-to-read fonts and maintain consistent font sizes and styles throughout your funnel. Avoid overly decorative fonts that can be hard to read.

4. Whitespace Is Your Friend

Don't overcrowd your pages. Use whitespace generously to create a clean and organized look that guides visitors' eyes.

5. Use High-Quality Images

Blurry or pixelated images can ruin the overall impression. Invest in high-quality visuals that showcase your products or services effectively.

6. Mobile Responsiveness

Ensure that your funnel is mobile-responsive. KEA makes it easy to optimize your design for various screen sizes, so your funnel looks great on any device.

7. Consistent Branding

Maintain consistent branding elements such as logos, color schemes, and typography throughout your funnel. This builds trust and recognition.

8. Reduce Page Load Times

A slow-loading funnel can frustrate visitors. Optimize images and minimize unnecessary elements to speed up your pages.

9. Clean Navigation

Simplify navigation with a clear and intuitive menu. Visitors should easily find what they're looking for without getting lost.

10. Test Different Headlines

Experiment with different headlines to find the one that resonates best with your audience. A well-crafted headline can make a significant impact.

11. Feedback and Usability Testing

Gather feedback from users and conduct usability testing to identify any design flaws or areas for improvement.

By implementing these tiny design adjustments with KEA, you can transform your funnel from cluttered and unattractive to visually appealing and user-friendly. A well-designed funnel not only enhances the user experience but also boosts your conversion rates, ultimately leading to greater success for your online business. So, take the time to un-fuglify your funnel, and you'll reap the rewards of a more engaging and effective sales process.


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